
Carbon Monitoring Initiative

In line with the agreement signed by the Heads of all 18 UWC Schools and Colleges in May 2021, titled Uniting the World: UWC, together for our planet and for our future in 2021 UWC Adriatic began to establish a reporting system in order to calculate the College’s Carbon Footprint.

During this first year (2021/22) only core elements were considered in the calculation including: carbon emissions from electricity and heating supplies; broad estimates of emissions associated with food served; emissions from transport to and from the College and during the winter break and staff commuting.

Using this Data UWC Adriatic will then identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions. Through collaborating with other UWCs to share best practice, over time the process of data collection will be streamlined and include further areas for calculation to create the fullest possible picture of the College’s environmental impact. In the long term, the College also hopes to pursue sustainable offsetting options.


Giulia Postal