UWC RCN Activism
Like many of their age, RCN students are aware of the challenges that face their generation and respond by actively taking a stand. Some of them organised and joined one of the “Fridays for Future” strikes in Bergen, the closest city near our remote campus, demanding good organisational skills to get there. They joined other young people to contribute to a colourful and sound intense event, bringing their international perspectives to the citizens of Bergen with their megaphone. Lacking access to a bigger organised event, our students marked the recent “Global Climate Protest” by appearing in classes with green images on their faces. The students of the Sustainability Core Group joined forces with an alumnus of our school, a visual real-time artist and activist, who has worked with contemporary and indigenous artists in his home country of Brazil. Developing images together, they sent laser beams across our fjord and lit up the night sky with messages, expressing their ideas of how one could share one’s care for our planet.