UWC RCN Ecofeminism and Menstrual Poverty
Period cups offer a sustainable and valuable alternative to disposable menstrual products. They significantly reduce waste by being reusable for several years, lessening the burden on landfills and oceans. Moreover, their cost-effectiveness, combined with the absence of harmful chemicals found in disposables, makes them a healthier and financially reasonable choice for both menstruators and the planet. Red Cross Nordic has connected with Vasikana Vedu (meaning Our Girls) founded by the Mahindra UWC alumni Marie Simone. The project addresses period poverty by offering sustainable menstrual cup solutions both in urban Zimbabwe as well as internationally. For each cup bought, one cup is offered free to girls who are menstruating in poor areas of Zimbabwe. This approach enables education continuity, work engagement, and community involvement. RCN students contribute to this meaningful shift towards sustainable solutions, taking part in this programme and supporting sustainable period products, and enabling girls in rural Zimbabwe to participate in community activities in a sustainable way. UWC RCN encourages other UWCs to do the same, taking care of ourselves and the planet.